Making the Most of Your Advising Meetings

The University of Richmond faculty voted in 2006 to formally adopt a "developmental" model of academic advising. A developmental approach encourages close interaction between advisor and advisee over time, as both the advisor/advisee relationship and the student grow and develop. It also encourages a holistic view of the student, with the advisor supporting the student through a range of choices including major/minor selection, course selection, participation in valuable co-curricular experiences, and even social-group/extra-curricular choices.

Each student at Richmond should feel confident that his/her advisor is willing to provide support, encouragement, and referral to appropriate resources whenever needs arise.

The AARC works to provide faculty, staff, and students with all the tools they need to be effective advisors under a developmental model. Resources included in this section are intended to help advisors improve the meetings they hold with their advisees.